Location: 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371
The Washington State Fair Events’ Center has multiple parking lots, however only two will be available for General Day Parking during the Summer Cluster Dog Show. Exhibitors and guests can park in the either the Blue or Purple Lots and walk into the fairgrounds through the gate with the corresponding color (see map). Fast CAT parking will be in the adjacent Green Parking lot.
Blue Lot - east and across the street of the Fairgrounds
Purple Lot – west and adjacent to the Fairgrounds
Green Lot - West of and across the street (Fairview Drive) from Fairgrounds, for Fast CAT only.
General Parking is $8.00 per day OR a 3-Day Parking Pass is available for $20.00. The 3-Day Pass covers Saturday, Sunday and Monday and is available for purchase at the Cluster Desk (Friday only) or at the Blue and Orange Gates starting Saturday morning.
As with all Fairground events, handicap parking is designated in the first two rows of the Blue Lot. There is no handicap parking inside the Fairgrounds.
The Western Washington Event Center has multiple parking lots, however only two will be available for General Day Parking during the Winter Dog Show Cluster. Please note entry into the fairgrounds for loading/unloading will only be possible after purchasing a daily parking ticket (or 3 day pass) for either the blue or green lots - no exception.
Your 3-Day Pass will get you into ONLY the following lots. You will be given a map upon entrance. •
Blue Lot – located across the street on the east side of the Fairgrounds •
Green Lot - located west of the Orange Gate •
All parking is at owner’s risk. Clubs assume no responsibility for fire, theft, and/or damage to any vehicle or cargo. •
No parking in designated fire lanes, loading/unloading zones.
Speed limit within the Fairgrounds is 5MPH. Anyone exceeding the speed limit will be subject to an event show hearing, and/or escorted off the grounds immediately. Parking in undesignated areas are subject to a $50.00 fine and a possible bench hearing.
No parking on the Fairgrounds without a proper parking pass (no parking with Load/Unload tags.)
Temporary access to the Fairground facilities for Load/Unload purposes it allowed with a Load/Unload Tag issued by Security and LIMITED TO 15 MINUTES.
When loading and unloading, the Load/Unload Tag must be always hanging from the rearview mirror with name and phone displayed.
For the safety of exhibitors, pedestrians, and dogs, TURN ON FLASHERS and travel 5 MPH or LESS when driving on the Fairgrounds' property.
Day Pass: $8.00
Weekend Parking Pass: $20.00 (Sat/Sun/Mon)
All parking is at owner’s risk. Clubs and Fairgrounds assume no responsibility for fire, theft, and/or damage to any vehicle or cargo.
All authorized parking Passes and Tags must be always easily visible.
No overnight parking is allowed inside the fairgrounds.
No parking in designated fire lanes, loading/unloading zones.
Parking is a privilege extended by the host clubs. Clubs reserve the right to withdraw the privilege from person(s) who do not abide by the rules and regulations.
Abusive language WILL NOT be tolerated.
Violators to above rules may be subject to an event show hearing, being towed and/or being escorted off the show grounds.
Parking is a privilege extended by the host clubs. Clubs reserve the right to withdraw the privilege from person(s) who do not abide by the rules and regulations. • Abusive language WILL NOT be tolerated.
All Loading/Unloading tags MUST BE FACE-UP at all times with name and phone displayed.
*Violators to the above rules are subject to a $50.00 fine and the possibility of a bench hearing.*